In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

I am sitting in a Paris airport (Orly Sud) on my laptop using wifi, about to fly to Munich. I'm going to be there for the weekend...and by the time I'm done with it, Munich isn't going to have any sausage or beer left. There are a lot of Germans that are going to be very sad and thirsty on Tuesday.

I saw Iron Man on Wednesday (yes, that's right, it came out in France before America, I got to see it before anyone in the US did, that's how dedicated I am). It was awesome. It kind of lost something because the dialogue was all in French, but I just made up cool shit for Robert Downey Jr to say in my head, and it was still good. Movie theaters in France are very comfortable (the seats are like big recliners), but they don't serve beer in the theaters. Also, everyone gets there very early (at least they did for Iron Man), and the previews go on forever, like a half-hour.

All I can say is: go see Iron Man. Aaron, check Insult and tell me what you thought of it, goddamnit.

STOOOOON vs Ze Germans

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