Insult Origins

In category:People
Post by:Calliander

I was chatting with xx today and she posed a question that really got me thinking. Normally, it's a really mundane question that people can answer with ease, but with our group of friends, the question, "How long have you guys been friends?" is interesting because of how many different branches we had, and how they converged. Here's what I know, but please feel free to expound and correct! I'm just going to go with the core group of people, those being: Lio, Bloody, Bean, Stone, Gunwalls, Peps, Pappy, Wils0r, Caniprokis, FlyingTim, and myself. (Sorry, Gatekeeper and some other folks.)

Kindergarten: Bean and I were friends. From what I know, Stone, Gunwalls and FlyingTim were friends around this time, too.

Grade School: I kind of met Pappy around this time, but we weren't really friends. Kinda sorta became friends with Lio at this point. Lio became friends with Stone and co.

Middle School: I met Bloody, and if I remember correctly he was not friendly with Lio, but we all eventually merged. Peps appeared at this point, but I don't remember who he knew. Wils0r and Pappy became part of the group here, too, as I recall.

High School: Peps met Caniprokis through the band program, if what I remember is true.

High school was when we all sort of congealed and absorbed all of those other people we hang out with occasionally, like Lothar and whatnot. The Filth Hole was born, Taco Tuesdays, etc.

Do fill in the blanks!

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