In Your Ass Calliander...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

Ok,that last post was full of extreme horse shit. First of all, if you are going to let something as inconsequential as political views move you to say "I don't like the current incarnation of you"... well, I think that classifies you as a shitbag my friend. Also his political views make him not want to talk to you... WTF? Just don't fuckin' talk about politics... PROBLEM FUCKING SOLVED. And telling him to be more like he was... That's just really shitty. People evolve, you deal with it or you go the fuck away, but of all the reasons to do that... GASP he's a conservative! Do you know how much of an ass clown you sound like right now? Hey, here's a petition for you! I want my old best friend back. The one who wouldn't judge his friends on their political beliefs. The one who wouldn't completely ignore me. The one who could spend 2 minutes away from his girlfriend to go grab a Tom at Rudy's. FUCK MAN.

I consider myself middle of the road. I have no passions or cares about anything remotely political. I'm one of those people who "Makes excuses" and doesn't vote. The reality is when they give me someone who will actually make a difference I will vote... for the past few years, it's just been about which candidate gets to maintain the status quo. Come on, Do you think that tree hugging homo Gore would have the cajones to do anything in a time of war? If he had been elected this country would either be under Taliban rule, or his wife and vice president would have seen that all video games and CD's that weren't Raffi and John Tesh would be banned. On the other hand, Bush has driven our economy into the ground like my boner after watching a porno starring Bea Arther. Neither of these assholes were a good choice. What was I gonna do, waste my vote on an independent? I'm sorry, that's time that could be better spent yanking my pud.

Concern for others is a dandy idea on paper... but it doesn't put food on the table. We can't feed and clothe ourselves with high ideals. Being really really nice won't put a roof over your head. America is supposed to be a lot of things. But we are a land founded by conquerers who got ahead by seizing opportunities afforded them, moral or not. Why should we be the ones to help out others, when we ourselves are so fucked up to begin with. We have an economic recession to deal with. We have poor and unfortunate. Work on things at home first.

By the way I like the new Stone.

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