I'm a Rhyme Bastard

In category:Life
Post by:Stone

What's up? I feel like, with all this Red Sox vs Yanks stuff, that we've been overlooking one important thing that most of us can be grateful for. We're not Mets fans. The Red Sox may have only won 1 title in the last 87 years, the Yanks may have an enormous payroll filled up with crap underachieving overpaid players and may be looking forward to decades of being punished by the Curse of A-Rod, but at least the teams we like have competent management - the Mets have nothing. When was the last time the Red Sox or the Yanks did something as boneheaded as trading away Scott Kazmir for some Mexican dude from Tampa Bay that has an aneurysm every other game? Anna Benson is a fine looking woman.

I got up early today and bought some candy for the kids on my street. Toll House cookie bars and Snickers. I wanted to buy boxes of full-size candy bars, because when I was a kid I always thought that the families who gave out full-size candy bars were awesome. That was the ultimate display of wealth in my mind - being willing to give out full-sized candy bars said more to me than having an iced-out doormat.

South Philly is a weird place to live. In general, it's dirty and it smells a bit, but the people are good and there's nothing wrong with it. Every once in a while, though, I'll be driving down the street and notice that, like, a crippled guy shaped like a pear with one leg is jaywalking (jayrolling?), and two people are slapping each other on the street, and a family is sitting in their car, waiting behind another, double-parked car, while the father lays on the car's horn, and an obviously mentally retarded person is stumbling around on the sidewalk - and it'll seem like I've driven into a Hieronymous Bosch painting.

De La Soul came out with a new CD, and it's pretty damn good. MF DOOM is on the last track of it. I like continuity, I've said this before, but, I like continuity, I like liking things I've liked in the past. Today is warm out, mid-60s, even though it's November.

I am going to Ohio for Thanksgiving. The dinner will involve my grandparents, one set of granduncles, my Uncle Mike and two of my Israeli cousins, my mom - now, this is the first time I've done anything like this, anything involving my extended family, since what, 1993? I haven't been in the same room with my mother and a member of my extended family since 1997.

I also think that I am going to visit the Dominican Republic for a week in February. A friend of mine from Brandeis is a diplomat there, and an old roommate from Cornell is over there curing the sick and indigent.

#1 Stun

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