If this is the way the world works, I want off of it.

In category:People
Post by:wilson

What is it that makes a person into a petty, insolent asshole?

Let's just say, for the sake of example, that you gave someone you thought was your friend 40$ for 30$ worth of.. Oh, lets say Alcohol. That person is doing you a favor by picking it up for you, that's true, but the way that FRIENDS work is that they do FAVORS for each other - If friends didn't work that way, the world would SUCK. This IS how friends work, at least this is how things work for me and my friends - you're there for eachother, you help eachother out, you do things to make their lives better, etc.


Continuing my little hypothetical situation - As you gave this person 40$ for 30$ worth of alcohol, and you told them that you expected change, THEN AND THERE is the time where it's perfectly acceptable for them to tell you NO, go fuck yourself, I want a measely 10$ to go pick this liquor up for you, and I'm a real big bitch, and a completely selfish asshole, so I'm not going to help you out under the condition that you're going to get the change back. THAT'S FINE!

AFTER you didn't say anything about buying the alcohol, or giving back the change, when you came back to the room where the alcohol was going to be consumed, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO GET BELLIGERANT about the person you bought the liquor for asking for the change, and even LESS OF A FUCKING RIGHT to get as belligerant when they ask to see the reciept, because, THEY'RE NOT FUCKING MORONS, and they NOTICED that you peeled all the pricetags off the liquor.

The ONLY fucking reason that someone does a thing like that is because they're entirely fucking petty, and have something to hide and they want to fucking grub 10$-15$ out of you without making any pretenses as to that earlier in the night.

You fucking selfish son of a bitch, I hope you live a long lonely shitty life and die old and just as alone, so that you suffer.

Then you have the balls to try to pay my girlfriend for sex - YOU DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND HOW HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS WORK. I pity you, but your cross isn't mine to bear, and god knows that what you have coming back to you will be two-fold compared to what you have done to others.

I'm angry, but I've vented, and I'm done with this.. You have a LONG way to go before you are a HUMAN - good luck on your long journey, it's taken you 21 years to get to a point that I surpassed when I was 6, and I don't even claim that I'm a good person.

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