I'd be careful, Wilson

In category:News
Post by:Calliander

A lot of people will be idiots and take that as you saying we deserved to be attacked or something like that. Now's not the time to be pouring salt on the wound - and the reader of your comment is free to interpret it however s/he wants. That is a great quote from Chairman Mao, though.

And yeah, that stupid Nostradamus bullshit. It's the equivalent of me, right now, sitting down and writing, "Enormous bullet destroy large land in far off year." You can interpret that shit however you want some 600 years later. If we detonate an atomic bomb again for some reason in, say, the year 2610 - what do you know? I just fuckin' predicted the future! Assholes. "Big fire in big village cause late war," or something to that extent. Fucking morons believe that bullshit. I want to scream at everyone who rents the Orson Welles documentary. On the back it says, "Religious predictions backed up by renowned scientists!" Yeah, okay. Which scientists? Hehe. None who were still in the field after that documentary came out. That thing about the metal bird crashing into two statues was made up, too. If you want an eerie feeling, read Executive Order, by Tom Clancy.

And another thing, that Canadian, Sinclair... He doesn't believe the Holocaust happened. What an asshole. He goes and gives a few examples where the U.S. has had catastrophes and wasn't helped, but then doesn't even have the balls to call the attackers ingrates. And Fisk is mostly right, aside from forgetting that the Palestinians are the idiots who keep trying to fuck with Israel. None of that changes the facts, though, that Bill Maher and Jerry Falwell are shit-eating cockmasters. Yeah. Finally got to use that. Word.

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