I think it's time.

In category:Education
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Man, listen to all of us. I don't think I've seen a bunch of stressed out, whining, complaining, bitching, moaning, sons of bitches (myself included) since we graduated from high school! Really, this time of the year sucks, and I think we ALL need a huge, large, motherfucking vacation with nothing to worry about besides having fun and maybe working to earn some money.

After this FUCKING semester, I'm looking FORWARD to freezing my ass off for 50 hours a week at a hardware store. At least my talents (whatever they might be) are semi-appreciated there. Oh, and unlike school, I'll be taking home some benefits in excess of $400 a week. So Speaks The Gatekeeper.

And as far as school, goes, I've had one hell of a semester...and one hell of a past couple of weeks. All in all, my classes really aren't that bad. After the chemistry teachers I had in high school (Mrs. Fazzino included), the chemistry class I'm taking now is best suited for people with IQs of

But of course, I have to have at least one "required" course, a 6-credit monster called "Integrated Business Functions", used to replace 3 separate courses in Finance, Operations Management, and Marketing. I regret taking this "experimental" course the first time it was offered. Oh well. I'm not going to talk about it any more because then I'll get pissed and not write my final paper.

So basically, we all need a fucking vacation. I'll see you all at the MegaKegger. Try to stay alive.

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