I should be in bed

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Why, when I know I should be in bed, am I still up?

I need to spend a day dealing with my email inbox. It has a thousand messages from the past several days I haven't dealt with. I go through and delete the spam, check to see if there is anything rela important.. and leave the rest till later. Sorry.. 864 messages.

Last time I took care of that by doing it while on the train back to Belgium from England. I was so bored and I have no games on my laptop. The time before that was when I was waiting at the train station for my brother.

Traveling by train is the only time I really have that idle time. When you fly, you spend half the time going up to that magical point where they let you use electronic devices (10,000 feet I think). The other half of the time is the approach.. if its a long flight, they interrupt you for food, or you need to sleep. Last flight I think I got 20 minutes on the laptop.

I am always driving though. Little hard to go through email and drive at the same time. I waste a lot of time driving.. I do enjoy driving though. Thinking time.

Back in the day, I used to have multiple accounts.. four at one point. I liked them because I could divide all of my money. Checking would only have what I could afford to spend. Savings would generate interest, and be divided into various things I am saving for. Today, I would have one for living expenses (rent, food), one for car lease/insurance/down payment, and one for the thing I am saving for at the moment (christmas, espresso machine, whatever). I think I might go in and create those three savings accounts this week. Fleet has one year of free accounts.. although, I don't pay for my checking account anyway.. so I guess I don't care. I don't know why I got rid of them. I want them back.

PS - Calliander is 22 years old. Why does he look 13 in that photo?

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