I Second That

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Levres

This is an Entertainment Rant, if you can call what is going on Entertainment. As Wilson said, it's Southwest Week. Tonight was Dispatch and some other bands. Dispatch isn't bad if you like their style of music. The bands they have on before Dispatch and afterwards though, SUCK SHIT. They're awful. It's loud, obnoxious, and hardly qualifies as music.

I didn't so much mind Finding Forrester and Road Trip, but I've had enough. I don't want any more University Funded "fun". It just becomes a lame excuse for jocks to drink more and drink in public and for the gutter whores to put on their backless shirts or tube tops and go out to catch some cum.

My friend Jobn was coming up to see Dispatch. Near 11 I went downstairs to look for him to no avail of course. All I could find were drunken jocks, drunken wannabes (there's a word to bring back!) and drunken frat whores stumbling around looking confused, or flailing around and yelling ("dancing" and "singing along").

Not like I'm going to study, but for what it's worth I have an exam at 10:00 in the morning. Say I wanted to be a good little student, do my studying, and go to bed early, that would be damn near impossible with this noise. Shutting the windows makes the room really unbearably hot and it doesn't block out enough of the noise anyhow. I want to call the cops. "There's a disturbance of the peace in Southwest..."

3 more days of classes, some time for finals, and then a good number of these people will go home. I'll have the university, some nice weather, and a little more peace and quiet. It shall be grand.

Oh, and another thing. They turn off the meters at like 5pm, so if you can get a spot on the road or in the horseshoe (a one way road that goes around the basketball courts and where the shit music is coming from), then you take it. So I was coming home from tutoring and as I was going to turn into the parking lot, I saw a meter spot opening up so I went and took that. All well and good. Now if I want to go get ice cream or drive Wilson home or something, my car is closer than the lot. However, the turn the meters back on at 7 in the morning, so if I don't want to get towed, I'd better get my car back to the lot. Now, I'm not a morning person and the chances of me getting up early to move my car are slightly worse than the chances of the Patriots winning the World Series. (Hit another homerun Lawyer!) I'm not moving my car. So when I went down to look for John at 11, I figured I'd move my car then, right? No dice. There street was littered with drunks and I could hardly drive around. When I got to the exit, I found it only to be blocked up by more drunks and by cops and such. Argh. So I reparked my car and so help me God if it gets towed. People will have to listen to me bitch and it won't be nice.

That's my beef. I am ready for this semester to be over and for summer semester to start. Oh, I think I might have found a place. I'll let you know cause I'm sure you all give a shit.

1212 Out.

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