I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little-death that causes total obliterat

In category:Sex
Post by:LioConvoy

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.  Well, as some of you may have heard, my five year relationshipless streak is over.  I'm two weeks into the relationship, and I'm already starting to panic.  I mean, she's a nice girl, I enjoy spending time with her, it's nice to have someone to be close to... but I don't know.  Something doesn't sit right.  I mean... I don't feel as strongly for her as I have for some other people who have shown me far less affection, or even kindness.  I normally throw my heart at any girl that even looks my way... but for some reason, I can't seem to muster enough emotion.

My problems only compound from here.  She's nucking futs for me.  She pays me all the attention I've ever wanted.  She's attentive.  And she makes orgasm inducing desserts.  She's everything I say I've ever wanted.  Why am I not happy?

Another thing is that she isn't a whore.  Which, while nice in that I don't have to worry about her fucking around on me, or diseases... is a double edge sword.  While I don't have to worry about that, she won't actually go through with the deed, until we can both say we are in love.  This frightens me.  I mean, how am I supposed to be in love with her, if I'm freaked out over what's happened so far.  Fuck.

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