...I love meatballs, so ya better get ready...

In category:Education
Post by:FlyingTim

What am I , the only one posting? Maybe that's a note on how fucking boring my life is....

Anyhow, I started on mid-terms today, and they suck ass. It's so much work to no end. What is the point of it all? I"m not angry now, I'm just thinking. And I can ususally come up with an answer, but I can't now. I hate the fact that some stupid cunt with a doctorate of english, whatever the fuck THAT proves, can make or break that grade in that class on her own opinion of a paper I wrote.

And what's worse, these cocks aren't even teachers, they're professors, which means that they read and do research, and in their spare time, they 'teach' a class. How much of a priority do you suppose these classes are to these idiots? Especially the 100 and 200 level courses? Do you really think they give a fuck about a student at that level? No. They don't.

I was talking to an old teacher of mine, a good friend, Mike Thompson, some of you might remember him from the middle school, he taught Industrial Arts. He was telling me that while teachers in middle schools and high schools have to go to seminars and shit to teach them how to teach, while these assholes at the big Universities don't do shit. Cockholders. And it's these very dickheads that decide our futures. How can you argue with a professor on a grade? You can't! They're always right! Idiots.

So, you figure, you'll just go to class and listen to the professor lecture and take the exam at the end, right? Wrong again. Especially in the smaller classes, I've found, the professors actually try to teach, and not just shit out information. So that's fun, when some fuck up who wants the summers off tries to teach you something. And instead of being a good teacher, and trying to see the students point of view, you just say no, that's wrong, and give the class your opinon, the 'right' opinion.

So, essentially, the Universities are being contradictory and conterproductive. All of my education prior to college has taught me to think critically, to form my own opinions from the facts, not to just believe everything everyone tells me. Now, at college, they expect me to throw out all that, and take all this crap that they spout off at me at face value. So, form your own opinions, except here. Listen to us. We're right. See? I have a doctorate. That means I was here for a long time. I have to be right. What the fuck?

And this is especially pointed for me, an English major, where all of my exams are essay questions, asking me to analyze texts from the 12th century, and talk about what they mean. I'm sorry, but Marie De France isn't that tough, the text is what the text is. It's a fictitious story. What does it symbolize? Someone sitting down and writing a story. But if I wrote that on my exam, I'd be wrong. Instead, I have to talk about the context in which the story was written, who influenced the author, blah blah blah...who gives a fuck?

I have one more thing to say, one more little nugget to share. College doesn't prepare you for life, it prepares you for Jeopardy.

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