I have a belly button

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

First, I just want to make a few comments about the site. As several people pointed out, wilson being the most recent, the porn poster is not alive. Well, the simple reason for this is that the server hosting all the porn was upgraded and I simply haven't had the chance to put everything back up yet. It will go up soon enough.

May 2 (wilson's bday) and May 3 I did much of nothing.. so today I ended up getting a lot done (Preacherman is gone). Levres was kind enough to drive me to my car to save me the 10 minute walk to it... but we ended up with a detour which meant spending an hour at walmart while she picked out a bathing suit and then another hour at Wings.

It's shitty having to work.. but whats even worse is that people don't understand that I have to work. I am not picking on Levres in particular since she is not the only one who tries to persuade me out of working.. but a lot of people do it. I don't go spend several hours in an air conditioned office, I work from home. The general feeling is that if someone is at home, they must be bored and want to go out.. but if I worked at some company somewhere, no one would try to get me to leave, etc... its just accepted that I am at work and that I can't leave. Why can't I get the same when I am working from my room?

And for the love of god.. someone make my eyes stop itching.

Lemme also bitch about something.. this is not aimed at anyone in particular, but EVERYONE. If you are offended by what you read, then it's because you are what I say you are.. if you don't think this applies to you, you are wrong and you should be offended because you are what I say you are:

I am talking about money and how people argue about it. Whether it be who pays for what, how to divide the tip, who owes what, or whatever. Everyone argues about it at some point. There are a few rare folks who are fair and not tightwads who overtip (Stone, Caniprokis, Wilson). But what gets me the msot is people arguing about money over food or at a restaurant.. hell, arguing about it just sucks. The thing is, the people that argue are usually the ones who can afford to pay.

A good example of this was an incident where one member of the dining party truncated the amount, dropping hte change.. for instance, $12.99 became $12.00. I think he also put 5% down for tip where everyone else did 15-20%.

If you like to argue about money, just argue with your mechanic who just charged you $180 to inspect your spark plugs (or whatever.. i made that up for the sake of an example).. although, that is more of a negotiation.

Also, I think EVERYONE should have a seperate, unshared, money pool.. even when married. Wife can buy husband dinner one time, husband returns the favour.. it makes things seem just a bit more special.

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