i hate stupid people

In category:People
Post by:Caniprokis

ok i have a couple of things to talk about today but first and formost i want to talk about stupid people. lets all take a look at that fucking tard that wrote that email about how those people are fags and how he beleives in the all might power of jesus christ fist of all he spelled hell wrong then his grammer was incorrect in his usage of might it should have been mighty, now as far as him going to heaven well i dont think so anyone thats that so blinded to think that "fags" are all evil and going to hell and that only he truely beleives in a true god is full of shit. i went to catholic school for nine years (you dont even know my pain) and so i know about alot of this so called true faith crap and let me tell you all these people are wrong. "god" and "Jesus Christ" dont condem people thats not the way it works anyone and everyone can be "forgivven" all they have to do is ask. anyone that can put that much trust in a book a fucking book for all we know this was a novel written way back in the day and some asshole thought it was so great that he wanted people to really belive it but this is all for another rant. well i have to go to fucking work now but ill be back chew on this for a while...

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