I Give It A C+

In category:Entertainment
Post by:LioConvoy

First of all, I should preface this with where I stand on the illegal immigration issue; I'm of the opinion that there needs to be some control over it, the system is broken but it's the only one in place at the moment. If it is unfair to Mexicans, then they should do what every other immigrant group in America's history has done: the ones who are here already need to become active in their communities and government and change unfair policies from the inside. I'm sorry your country sucks, but it doesn't give you a right to break our laws. I understand the cartels have a stranglehold on the Mexican government. This is no different than any other migration in history. Mexicans are not the first immigrant group to experience this, they're just the latest. My ancestors had to leave Ireland because the English were going to sell them to the Dutch as military conscripts. Then they came to this country to be greeted by NINA signs at every job they tried to get. But they did not swim across the Atlantic Ocean and refuse to even attempt to gain citizenship through legitimate means.

Danny Trejo was the man and the action was balls out insane., but it was preachier than a Rage Against The Machine Album. Basically 10 minutes in I'm like "I get it, illegal Mexicans are all wonderful people and anyone who gives two shits about the boarder is a lousy racist. It's seriously that preachy. Spo and I were saying "Is it wrong that I want to vote for the corrupt senator?" It was like a collection of ass-kickery sandwiched between hamfisted attempts at social commentary. And let's just say that Jessica Alba's stirring speech isn't going to win her any Oscars. Robert Rodriguez generally is very conscious about the strengths and weaknesses of his actors and will use them to great affect, he even makes Lindsay Lohan watchable. But his attempt at letting Jessica Alba do some theatrical heavy lifting went beyond laughable, into me actually feeling bad for Ms. Alba. On the plus side Michelle Rodriguez has given me a fetish for chicks with eyepatches. Suffice it to say, I'm of a split mind on this movie.

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