I don't understand

In category:Politics
Post by:Kevin

I don't understand why people on this forum support Bush. I'm going to go even a step further and say I don't understand why people on this forum would ever support any party in bed with the Christian Coalition.

Please explain why you like him and/or the Republican party?

This is why I would never vote Republican:

Bush and the Republican party would like to see abortion ended. He and the party have vowed to fight and attempt to overturn Roe VS. Wade.

Bush and his party are against Stem Cell Research, which could help save lives (including a former Republican President named Ronald Reagan).

Bush and his party would like to tell me what I as a consenting adult can view in my bedroom. He believes pornography is morally wrong and on the campaign trail vowed to go after the adult business. He appointed Ashcroft as Attorney General. When Ashcroft got into office the first thing he did was sit down with all the pro-life and family organizations about trying to turn over Roe VS. Wade and also trying to do a bunch of obscenity busts. 9/11 changed the Attorney General's focus and agenda. This is my biggest beef with all conservative politicians. This includes Gore and Lieberman as well. They have NO business telling me what morality to subscribe too. Their religion is their own and should not be forced down my throat.

Bush believes drugs are morally wrong and the war on drugs should continue. Now I've smoked pot with some of you so I know you don't agree with this. The Republicans love the war on drugs. We all know is flawed and what I do to my body is my business. Not the governments! Bush would throw all of us in jail for drugs and think nothing of it. He did more drugs when he was your age and my age, but it would not matter.

The Republican party is supposed to stand for smaller governments, which I'd love to support. Yet Bush added more to the government then even the past Democratic President.

We're about to go to war with Iraq and yet North Korea is building Nukes. I am MUCH more worried about North Korea. But the reality is North Korea actually has an army. North Korea has no OIL. So Bush and his peeps would rather deal diplomatically with the North. Serious shit would go down if we invaded North Korea. A lot of people on our side would die. There is not much to invade in Iraq. It is a very poor country because Saddam hordes all the OIL money. John McCain (a Republican) was really worked up about this subject on TV this morning. He doesn't understand why we aren't resolving this issue with North Korea. Are we really going to go through another Cold War? Why focus on Iraq when we have a rogue nation with an actual army, building weapons that could be launched at downtown Los Angeles?

Also I'd like to point out that at one time Saddam was our friend. This sounds really corny, but when I was a kid the man the represented true evil was the Ayatollah Khomeini. He helped lead the Islamic Revolution in Iran that eventually made it into the theocratic republic that it still is today. Iran and Iraq did not like each other. So twenty years ago we gave Saddam tons of weapons to go destroy Iran. We created our own enemy.

I believe that people should be able to do to their body whatever they want to do.

I believe people should be able to carry guns.

I believe people should be able to marry whoever the hell they want to marry.

I believe consenting adults should be allowed to view adult material made by other consenting adults.

I believe prostitution should be legal

I believe drugs currently illegal should be made legal.

And to quote of one of the great Republican Presidents:

"What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?"
-Abraham Lincoln

Exactly Ab... Exactly

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