I don't get the SOTU

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Something that has always perplexed me is when people are like, "Did you watch President Whomever's State of the Union address?" Usually, they'll proceed to list off things they liked about what the President said, as well. To me, they seem happy - fulfilled even - by whatever was covered in the address. A recent trend, post-Trump, is to say things like, "So and so wasn't afraid to name this thing," about some topic. (Side note: Since white progressives are fond of using that "naming the thing" terminology I have to guess it was co-opted from Black people.)

As far back as I can recall, the SOTU address has just been pageantry where whichever President can bloviate about things they'll never actually do. Sure, sometimes they do follow through, but:

  1. That's coincidental to something having come up in the address.
  2. The thing is an extremely diluted version of the original so it can pass through our nonsense Congress.

That second point is the reason I don't get why anyone bothers. Maybe I'm just a jaded pessimist but telling me you care about the issues I care about isn't enough. Making a big speech so that you can set the stage for an election campaign or to raise money off strong words just doesn't do it for me. Performance isn't action and, to me, the SOTU is a huge act. Because without majority control, there can't be any true follow up. Plus, like we saw with the ACA and other important issues during the last Democrat majority, you still get watered-down legislation.

The other thing that boggles my mind is the opposing party's "reaction" to a State of the Union speech. First of all it isn't a reaction - just like how the address itself panders to the President's base, the reaction is a fan service recap of things the other party is on about. And, more often than not, it's just a way for the party to highlight some heat-of-the-moment jerk they're putting way too much faith in for something they think is lacking. Diversity, usually.

Again, perhaps I'm just burned out on the whole thing. Maybe for most people, hearing those cloying words in that setting is emotional and intellectual nourishment. I don't get it. That may be on me.

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