I Am Not An American

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

I think it's high time that I stated my opinion on any upcoming war, regardless of whether or not we have one.

I am not willing to fight or die for my country. I will not take party to any military activity which, directly or indirectly, results in the death(s) of anyone, regardless of their guilt or innocence. I will not place my life on the line simply to defend an imaginary code of honor I'm supposed to uphold for my country. My duty lies as a human first, then as an American. And my duty as a human is NOT TO KILL MY FELLOW HUMANS.

So I guess that makes me not an American. But if we do go to war, and there is a draft, I will be in prison. I will not be a coward and flee to Canada. Place me in prison, because I don't agree that those "dirty sandniggers" should die. They're fucking raised that way, they don't know anything else. They are fucking people, too, and if you disagree with that, or if you think they deserve to die simply because their way of life prohibits dissention and free thought, well fuck you, too. I hope you go to war and get shot and die because I don't consider you a human anyway you filth. That goes for any of you who call yourselves my friends. I am drawing a line right here and now, and I will not cross that line. If you can look me straight in the eye and say that you are willing to KILL anyone to defend some fucking macho asshole policy then fine. I don't ever want to see you again. I'm tired of it. Death and destruction and war don't solve any problems, they just postpone them and cause more. Whoever did this to us deserves to be punished, but not innocent people. Not people we call our enemies simply because they were raised to dislike us. THAT'S OUR FUCKING FAULT! IDIOTS.

Fuck. Good night. I'm going to class. Have a nice life.

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