
In category:Life
Post by:GatekeeperTDS

Okay, apparently I've succeeded in getting all the idiots all riled up. hunch, it's time for you to have a one-on-one with The Gatekeeper. First of all, I don't need your help. Pappy is not making Insult "gay", to put it in your colorful language. I was merely expressing the concerns of myself and other Insult authors in a CONSTRUCTIVE manner? Do you know how to be constructive? I don't think so.

Second, I will personally not allow this forum to be turned into a gay bashing message board. Let's just call this a touchy issue for myself since a former friend of mine decided to start some nasty rumors about me at a point in time not too long ago. By your tone, it looks like you need to grow up a little bit an experience some of the world outside of Branford, Connecticut. I pity you, boy. I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that you've never known gay people. Being in college, I've had the chance to meet people of all different races/colors/religions/sexual preferences. And I've known gay people even before I went to college. So, let me clue you in on a little bit of life. We all smile, we all cry, we all bleed, we all die. We're all human, and we all deserve a little bit of respect no matter who we are. No group should get ANY special treatment for anything. Sadly, though, true equality will never be reached in our short lifetimes.

Third, yeah, a gay person would probably cry if they had to kill someone. Any poster on this board would probably cry (or be seriously disturbed in some other manner) if they had to take a human life. This includes you, my young friend. If you tell me now that you'd be able to kill someone and not care, you'll be a liar in my book, and probably in the book of several other authors in this forum as well. One of these days, hunch, you'll hopefully leave the stagnant, vile environment of Branford, Connecticut and see what the real world is like. And if you don't, then I truly pity you. That's enough.

So Speaks The Gatekeeper...So It Shall Be!

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