Human Cloning take two

In category:Politics
Post by:LioConvoy

Man, fuck that enter button.

So, most people know I'm not a political man. It's my belief that most politicians are merely figureheads to lull us into the belief that we have some form of control over our government. The true power resided in our corporations. The true governing body is the board of directors.

That said, I finally developed an opinion about Prez G.Dub. He's a useless meatwad. I watched him deliver a speech to the senate on human cloning, one of the few political issues I actually feel passionate about (the other being censorship). He spent an hour expounding his theories about the sacredness of human life. You know, just as sacred as those men he sent to the electric chair. Just as sacred as the thousands of Afghans we bombed. I'm not saying any of those things were wrong, in fact, I whole-heartedly agree with them. I'm just saying, don't be such a fucking hypocrite.

Some people think a ban on all cloning is the answer. Others think that banning reproductive cloning would be ok, while allowing research cloning would be alright. I think both should be allowed.

Are you going to tell me that some poor fuck who is a parapelegic is going to be imprisoned for the rest of his life in his own fucking body just because of some ridiculous moral squabble? WHY? Because it's God's will? WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP MEDIEVAL LOGIC IS THAT! Are you telling me that women who can't give birth naturally have no right to a child that is of their own blood? WHY?

Let's not even look at any of those issues, but let's look at the world stage. So we ban cloning. So what. That doesn't stop other countries from doing it. We'll fall behind in the field of biotechnology. Wowee, yay for us. We don't genetically engineer our children. Aren't we such moral fantastic people. Meanwhile China is raising an army of supersoldiers. We're also preventing ourselves from developing technologies that would grow from this. Like individually cloned organs and limbs. Organ recipients would no longer have to take immune system depressants (effectively giving themselves AIDS, but not as permanant) to keep their bodies from rejecting the very organs keeping them alive.

This thinking is blind. This thinking is old. This is the same thinking that declared Gallileo a witch because he postulated that the solar system did not revolve around the Earth. The same thinking that accused Socrates of being a corruptor of the youth. The same thinking that led to dozens of innocent young women being burned to death in Salem. If either part of this ban is passed, I fear for our future as a world power.

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