Housing...bah...and more

In category:Education
Post by:Levres

So I had that interview with Hillel House and I'll all set to move in there. Here's the problem. Can't move in until June 3 at 11:00 am. Have to be out of my dorms by May 25 at 6:00 pm, May 27 at 3:00 pm by the latest. Yes, that means I'm homeless for a week. If I had know I was going to have to drag all my shit home one way or the other, I would have registered to take educational psych at Bridgewater State College and just lived at home. It would have been cheaper and I could eat chicken on my rice if I wanted!

Chicken on rice. Yes, Hillel House is Jewish. The Community Kitchen is Kosher. That means, I can keep dairy there and grains, but no meat. If I want to eat rice, cool. If I want to put chicken on that rice, I can't do it in the kitchen. I can eat whatever I want in my room, but no meat and stuff in the kitchen. Bah, not that I'm even that much of a meat eater, but bah.

Back to the housing thing. So I have no place to put my stuff for a week. Stress stress stress. Then, the grandmother of the boy I tutor twice a week offered to let me keep my stuff there and even stay with them for most of the week. Isn't that nice? I've been tutoring this boy since about the end of April, so she really doesn't know me all that well, yet she opened up her house to me because she felt bad. You don't find too many people in this world that are that nice. She's letting me keep my stuff in her garage. That was such a load of my mind, let me tell you! It's nice that there are some people out there who are so giving and generous especially to a population (college kids) that gets stereotyped so badly.

Calliander hunny, what you're singing is the quadratic formula, not the pythagorean theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is a squared plus b squared equals c squared. But yes, the song may be silly, but you still remember it and that's all that really matters so it worked. It served it's purpose well.

About the change this, oh god, there are so many dumb people out there. Let me just tell you, I worked at a Dunkin Donuts for a few years while I was in high school and I also worked at a local ice cream stand for a few years in high school. I would train people and try to teach them to count the change back from what was charged to make what the customer paid with. For example, if it came to $17.36, I'd say give them the change and say "that makes 18" and then count the two dollars back "nineteen, and twenty" so they know that the change you gave them is the correct change. Some people just didn't get it. My manager even told me not to bother, just tell them to count back the change like "one, two dollars and sixty four cents." This is basic math people. Come on. People that can't count back change, you wonder what else they're messing up cause they're just too dumb.

Which reminds me, I hate dumb people. I mean people that don't try. If you have a learning disability or whatever, then that's something different. I hate it when people just convince themselves that they are not smart enough to learn something. No matter what it is. If you aren't going to have confidence in yourself, who should? The saying goes something like, whether you think you can or think you can not, you are right.

So that girl just moved home. She didn't even say anything else to me after that. I don't know how her test went... hope it went well. She was smart and she knew what she was doing. Oh well.

Well, back to stealing songs and making CDs in an effort to not study physics. 1212 Out.

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