Horror Flicks and Such…

In category:Entertainment
Post by:LioConvoy

Hey guys... well married life has come with some great parts, and some shitty parts. One of the shitty parts? I don't get to be quite the horror film geek I used to be. See because Jocelyn can't watch horror films due to her anxiety disorder, I can't watch a good horror film while she's around, which is like always. But late at night I've been sneaking around watching horror films off of Fear.net. Most men have to sneak porn. I have to sneak horror movies. Now I know most of you can't relate, only Blood and Spo really share my love of horror as a genre, but horror has given us some great stories.

One really cool series of films I've discovered in my sneakings actually took me by surprise... The Saw movies. Now after I saw Hostel, which I view as only being possible because the first Saw was so successful, I had written off the Saw series as torture porn. But I'd figured that since they had become such a huge part of the horror film landscape I should at least see a couple for posterity. So in my sneakings I started watching them. As an overall series they're pretty darn good films, and a few of them (the first and possibly the second) I'd classify as brilliant. They're about a brilliant civil engineer whose life goes into the shitter over the course of a few months (loss of a baby, break up with the fiance, developing terminal cancer), after a failed suicide attempt he realizes he and most of humanity were taking their lives for granted. He makes it his mission with his remaining days to make people appreciate their lives. Using elaborate traps he forces people to make some horrible choice in order to survive. The gore is stomach turning (I only plan on seeing each of these films once), but like a great Hitchcock movie or Twilight Zone episode, the ends of the movies have great twists. I'd say definitely see the first one, if your still interested see 2, and 3 and 4 are really good only if you are a fan of the series.

I'm done with the Saw flicks now (until V comes out in October), my latest horror obsession is flick coming out in August. Repo! The Genetic Opera. Now I mentioned earlier, only Bloody and Spo share my love of horror films, and none of you share my love of musicals, so this film will be made fun of by all of you. But fuck y'all, I think this thing is the shit and I'm spreading the word on it everyway I can. It's a rock opera about a future where a pandemic of organ failures have led to a biotech firm being a major world power. Eventually they start selling designer organs, Gucci hearts, Prada lungs, that sorta shit. Prices on organs sky rocket. Fortunately there are easy payment plans, but if you default on the loan a number of legal messures may be taken against you... including reposession. Check out the Trailer...

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