Home stretch

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

Only four more days and I am done for the year. This is the sixth set of finals (since High School) I am dealing with, and I have two more after this. Futter.

Wilson and I spent some time studying for chinese history (which is tomorrow (Monday) in the early afternoon). We'll be back in the bluewall all day tomorrow studying.

Why can I never start studying more than the day before a test? I mean.. I have yet to fail a class and I don't think that would even change my ways. My Physics grade is 'ok' right now (even if I skip the final). The only class to worry about is AI.. but that is Thursday's hell final.

I am almost certain that I will be in Belgium for several weeks this summer.. I have to call teh freakin' consulate this week to find out if I can go, and if so, how long I can go for. It's a hard choice to make since I really want to be around my friends in Connecticut as much as I can... but it's sort of a nice opportunity that I probably won't have after college, and I really want to make the summer productive. I do not want a repeat of this year work-wise.

Blah blah.. blah blah.. time to go read.

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