Hollywood, Insult, Vegas

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Okay, so I am back from my little trip to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I had fun and learned a lot about those two cities. But first, just an update on Insult. I just want to announce that the new site will be up this week, either that or I'll cry.

Las Vegas is supposed to be a city of sin. Hookers all over the place, casinos, booze, etc. But really, its more of a marketing thing calling it a city of sin, since I think it is relatively tame.. at least these days. I have been to many cities that many fine God-fearing Christians would see as being created by Satan himself.. New York (before it was cleaned up), London (before it was cleaned up), Edinburgh (while it was being cleaned up), Johannesburg, Amsterdam, Las Vegas (was it cleaned up?), Los Angeles, Washington DC (can you clean up politics?), and Orlando (that.. sick.. sick.. sick mouse). Okay, maybe Orlando isn't that evil.. that mouse is tho.

Anyway, Las Vegas is really the only place that likes to call itself the city of sin.. but why? Many cities have casinos and lax liquor laws, and prostitution is actually illegal in the city anyway. Doesn't really change much, because I was propositioned by several girls both in hotel lobbies and on the street (some quite hot too, no clue on their price). Anyway, drugs are quite illegal there too.. I crown Amsterdam as best city of sin.. you have drugs and cheap whores there. Vegas isn't exactly a place for the younger crowd.. its a fun-land for the elderly and married. There are lots of clubs and things, but they aren't nearly as packed as ones you can find locally. The gambling is somewhat fun, but not really.. there are so so so many casinos, but they're all the same.. just different financial levels. For instance, the Bellagio and the Venetian are very upscale (thus the girls bringing drinks are real hot, and the dealers are real good at their jobs) while the Tropicana and MGM Grand are more middle class. You can get even lower too. But they're all pretty much the same type of thing.. slots, blackjack, craps (how the fuck do you learn craps), roulette (who the fuck really wants to play that), and random other card games I don't know how to play (Pai Kow Poker, Spanish Blackjack, etc).. oh, also Keno (wtf is Keno, and how do you find a Keno-boy to slap? What is a Keno-boy?).

Anyway, I am glad I went to Vegas and I'll go again.. I just expected it to be different somehow. The conventions I went to (Adult Entertainment Expo and CES) were interesting. CES was boring and stupid, I don't think I'll go again (Comdex is better I think). The AEE was cool, but Preacherman and I never managed to get there early enough (we had trade passes as exhibitors.. so we could go there before they started letting fans in). I felt like such an imposter at the AEE because I don't know who any of these porn stars are.. a friend Preachermand and I know introduced us to many of 'em.. we had our photos taken with them, but I have never seen any of them in movies (some I want to now tho). Saw Tara Reid there too (almost had her on video, only have her voice tho).. we was sort of sneaking around trying to not get noticed and refusing to let people take her photo there. And the fans.. the fans.. boy, the fans.. I don't know how many folks reading this are hardcore porn fans who like a particular actress or label, but man.. some of the people at the AEE were hard core, and flew in just to see this expo. We're talking so obsessed that its sad.. the drooling, and the weird jealousy they get when someone else distracts the actress they're drooling over (like Preacherman and I). I felt bad because I was being introduced to these girls that I had never heard of before, when these fans would kill for that.

On Saturday, we left Vegas and went to Los Angeles. The two goals were to a) see Blackhawk Down on 35mm IMAX and b) tour the LA area on Sunday. We got there earlier than expected, and decied to find the theatre first.. it ended up that the theatre was at Universal Studios in Universal City (near Hollywood). So, after we paid like $10 for parking, we decided to chill there for a bit.. we didnt go into the theme park, instead we chilled around the area for a loong while.. the movie started at 11:50pm and we got there just after 1pm. While there, we ate and did a Nascar simulator (Wilson and Danz0r may have been interested in seeing it since it was similar to a paper they wrote on driving simulators..), then went and watched the Royal Tenenbaums (awesome movie), then we went to dinner which killed the remaining time till the movie.. dinner was at a micro-brewery and I had over 50oz of beer while there (I ordered a 16oz drink while waiting for a table, then had the sampler which was eight 5oz beers).

Blackhawk Down is an interesting book, and a good movie. Go see it. It isn't for the faint of heart. I am glad I got to see it on IMAX because the sound quality was fucking AWESOME and it was huuuge. The movie leaves some things out of the book, but only to make the movie more understandable and entertaining. I recommend watching it when it comes to a theatre near you.

Then today we cruised around western Los Angeles. Stayed last night in Hollywood, ate breakfast at 11am at the IHOP on Sunset Blvd, and we then just took Sunset into Beverly Hills (saw some nice gates for expensive houses), went down Rodeo Drive to get onto Santa Monica Blvd, and took that all the way to the shore, then went along the shore towards Ventura. It was about 75F out, and a bit overcast.. a fine January Sunday to cruise along and see the beach houses and things. Most houses along there have a BMW, Mercedes, or a SUV (usually a Land/Range Rover). After seeing this, we made our way back up to Palo Alto. One more note on LA, the people absolutely spend a lot of time dealing with or thinking about their personal appearance.. you could call it vanity, but I am not sure if you could call it wrong.. when people get obsessed, its different.. but the folks do try to take care of themselves. They exercise, go outside, and keep their clothes and bodies appearing clean. I wasn't around it long enough to get irritated by it. Does make me feel the need to exercise more (that has been my plan for a while tho.. never get around to it). Not sure if I can base anything on the restaurants around, but people seem to eat quite healthy. How long would it take me to get irritated by it? It's not like there is any lack of unhealthy foodstuffs.. just a lot more choices if you want a drink (fruit juice instead of soda for instance) or food (menus more like in Europe.. lots of vegetarian dishes, and overpriced small french-style servings)

So here I am.. just a few days left in my stay here and I am not looking forward to being in the cold again. I like being able to show off my manly arms by wearing a t-shirt. Okay, so I have stupid arms.. but I do like wearing a t-shirt.

Wow, that was a long rant. Did you read it all? I should add key words like cock, sex and pussy in there.. with a few phrases like anal sex and vaginal fisting.

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