Hitchens is a Fag

In category:Politics
Post by:Calliander

Hitchens gets pulled out any time someone tries to point something out to a liberal. He's like the token black friend a racist has to make it okay for him to be like, "Hey, look at those stupid niggers over there! It's okay, I'm friends with a black guy, I can say that." And again, I wasn't leveling any criticism at Stone. It was more at all of us. We were NOT right in 2003. We were crazy. We jumped on any little thing that came up in the news like seagulls after a discarded shrimp tail. Myself included. We were like angry girlfriends grabbing at straws to get one-up in the argument. And no amount of idiocy from the War-For-Oil people, or the Michael Moores, or the shifty arms maneuvers by the Hussein regime, or anything else that can be pulled up that the liberal zealots have done can negate that the following occurred:

  1. The decision was made to go to war on evidence that was asinine, at best.
  2. Bush et al acted like little children and did not get the buy-in from any other countries. A good argument can certainly be made that perhaps the other countries wouldn't have acceded to the whole thing but you know what? Probably a good sign that it's a ridiculous move.
  3. When the evidence was revealed as barely defensible, we tried to say it was a humanitarian effort.

America is the epitome of a jackass in regards to this and that's not right. We were the self-centered morons who made a mistake and then didn't want to own up to it so we threw a tantrum and pointed fingers all over the place. Then, as if that wasn't enough, we flubbed the operation and have spent years there along with our resources and lives. Tom Hanks and Shelley Long have got nothing on us.

We are no more or less safer than we were before the Iraq bullshit. What I was pointing out was the haughty attitude (which yes, Stone was displaying, but let me tell you I did quite a bit of that, too) that got us where were are in regards to Iraq and the drain it has placed on us. I don't think the Iraqi people were fucking dancing in the streets and licking rainbow lollipops with glee before we showed up, don't get me wrong. We just fucked it up, and we did that because we acted like kids. We could have gone about it reasonably, like logical human beings, but we instead we went apeshit. I look back on it now and am ashamed at how I acted. I'm not calling the motives into question, only the execution.

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