Here's the deal

In category:Entertainment
Post by:Calliander

There are very few movies that I dislike enough to dissuade others from viewing. Meet the Feebles is one of those movies. Titanic is another. Toss Pearl Harbor in there as well. And Remo Williams was bad enough where I would not recommend it to anyone, either. There are a few others, but on the whole I just tend to dislike movies mildly.

However, I hate it when people try to invalidate why I didn't like a movie. "Well, why didn't you like it?" What does it matter? I sat through the movie, I disliked it. I don't need to tell your uppity ass why I didn't like it. I'm trying not to think about it! I hate this bullshit where I need to analyze why I didn't like a movie or, for that matter, why I liked one. And if you're going to dislike me because I won't tell you why, fine, I don't want to know you anyway. Shut up and carry on, you judgmental dickhead. Go take your pretentiousness somewhere else and hang around with other too-smarts who overthink everything they do. "I'm getting this sandwich from the refrigerator now because my body requires the nutrients that it provides." Fuck you, I'm getting a fucking sandwich.

With that said, your argument is weak, Caniprokis. My boss was right - you can't use the excuse that it wasn't realistic to explain why you didn't like something. IT'S A MOVIE! None of them are realistic! Some of the better recent movies are subtitled - Crouching Tiger, as Lio mentioned, and Life is Beautiful were both great movies. You can't fault a movie because you're flawed in that you can't watch the movie and read it at the same time. That's your fault!

Really, I think the only things you can honestly use as an excuse as to why you didn't like a movie are story, acting, and the set design. Maybe camerawork. And I guess music kind of factors in there to a degree. But I couldn't tell you the difference between Peter Jackson's directing and Mel Gibson's and I don't honestly believe anyone who says they could. Was Brotherhood of the Wolf's story poor? Were the actors about par with porn stars? What the fuck else does any of that other shit matter? If you didn't like the story, the acting, or the places they filmed, YOUR ARGUMENT IS SOUND! Simple as that.

In any event, she's thinking of me. And wearing the shirt I bought her. Hee hee!

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