Helen of Troy

In category:Journal
Post by:Stone

I figured I'd take this opportunity to launch a pre-emptive birthday well-wish onto Devlin. Happy Birthday mang, you old bastard.

The Red Sox are atop the Eastern standings right now, so I figure that's worth celebrating. We have to take what we can get - good to see that $180 bajillion dollars can't buy consistency.

Graduating tomorrow, which is good.James Carville is speaking at Convocation at noontoday, which is at noon. For some reason,the graduation speaker doesn't speak at...Graduation/Commencement, he speaks at Convocation. I get to hear our class president speak, too- I didn't even know we had a class president. I haven't done any of the "Senior Week" activities: stuff like playing paintball, organized get togethers, stuff like that - which means that I think I managed to go five years without ever attending a school-propelled social activity, and that includes the first couple of weeks of my first semester.

Carville, Carville - Democratic political strategist seems like an oxymoron right now ("Let's sort of agree with the Republicans!"), but he ought to be at least mildly entertaining. I dunno how the school/selection committee even keeps up a facade of impartiality when every single speaker, every year, is left- to far left-, though. Danny Glover, Janet Reno, Carville. It's like we're holding a DemocraticElectoral Convention, not a graduation ceremony, but whatever.

My mother is coming up today. I've been interested, watching the progress with the peace plan in Israel. Wouldn't it be great if Bush and Sharon were able to sell a lasting peace plan to the Israeli people, and the Palestinians? I don't think peace would've ever worked with Arafat, but I'm open minded about this new guy, Abbas or whatever his name is, so perhaps there's a shot. And, it'd be sweet if the two men who were able to bring peace to the area were the child-murdering Sharon and the fascist imperialist colonialist Nazi Bush. It's not like it really matters who does the job - the irony appeals.

I had a good cheapGerman Riesling the other day. St.-Urbans-Hof QbA 2001 I think it was, only about $8 or $9 for the bottle. I don't really like white wine, but this one was good, worth buying - you guys ought to try it. I found it in the local wine shop in Collegetown, so the winery probably made a lot of cases, should be fairly accessible. I think I had it with some scrambled eggs.

One other thing - they really do let some stupid fucking people into college. Ithaca College is a good school, but the quality of the students varies so much. I know one girl who goes there who's brilliant, great person, and then I know a number of kids who seem to be able to super-naturally suck the intelligence out of anything they come into contact with. It's like a super-power. People put way too much stock in good high school grades.



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