Hehe... Brian Ling and Billy Ling?

In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Hehe. I knew you had to be using it as a joke. You have to realize, though, that Philadelphia folk are WAY behind the times when it comes to most things. "Bling bling" was a phrase us gangstas used back in the day - in fact, even before we began calling the police "po-po". I mean, people in Philly still say, "What's trackin'?" when us gangstas have clearly evolved to "What's crackin'?" I've known some Philly duns' to use "fly" as an adjective still, or use "illin'" instead of "chillin'". It's nutty. I mean, their baseball team is even fooling themselves that they're actually good this year. It'll take them a month or so to realize what the rest of the world knows - that the Philadelphia Phillies haven't been good for many, many years now. Hehe.

In all seriousness, I'd said to Caniprokis that I thought anyone who says "Bling bling" (sorry for the mixup - I was actually just too lazy to type the other part earlier) should die. That's when he said, "Hey, my girlfriend says that!" So I knew you meant it as a joke. I just had to get my anger out at my sister for coming downstairs and playing her crappy music while I'm trying to sleep, then yelling at me because, you know, I have responsibilities that require me to wake up every morning (except Sunday, Sunday is the day of rest - sleep day). Sisqo has some song where he says "bling bling" like ten times.

In other news, I sweat profusely from my armpits. I know that's probably too much info for all you folks, but it's insane. Like, I'm fine during the day, but once I sit down here in the focking cold to type something I immediately begin sweating. IT MAKES NO SENSE! Aaaagh! Could it be my deoderant? I was using that Gillette stuff that goes on clear so I switched back to good, solid Old Spice... but it's still doing it! Like, I sweat so much that it drips! What the...?!?

Sorry to gross you folks out, just thought I'd let that go. Forgive me? Hehe.

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