
In category:Life
Post by:Calliander

Well, you know, I didn't think it would be in the spirit of Insult to greet our newest recruit without a flying barrage of insults, but yeah... hopefully things will pick up now that vacation is almost over and whatnot. =)

Hey, I was wondering what people are thinking about the University of Michigan situation? Bush has been talking recently about the whole "quota system" of accepting people into UM with race being a plus factor towards admission, bashing the idea, calling it unconstitutional, un-American, whatnot. Apparently, though, he's been saying one thing and his people are doing another since they submitted some sort of legal brief which leans more toward examining the policy to see if it's wrong instead of outright ousting. You folks know that I've always been on the fence about Affirmative Action stuff, so I wanted to see what everyone else feels. Let's see some life, people!

Of course, I could always just post one of my left-field comments to spark things up. But nah, I'm gonna try to steer away from that. The people can't handle the Calliander insanity anymore, it's too far from the norm nowadays. Hehe. =)


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