In category:Money
Post by:LioConvoy

Oh my dear Gatekeeper... you need to learn how to keep that infamous temper in check. How can you keep any gates if you keep flying off the handle like that. Jiminy, arcee's a newby... you've gone too far a few times, but do we snap back, no clearly not. So what if arcee's a fem-nazi womyn... you're masoginist douche bag... it all equals out. And so what if she's complaining about people's bitching. It's just as much her right to bitch about that, as it is for you to bitch about her rant, or for me to bitch about yours... human. As I recall it was you as a newby here that said that MC needed to stop bitching about her life... human. In summation... you need to stop taking everything as an offense to your manhood... that may be what led everyone to believe MT's lies...


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