In category:Education
Post by:Stone

Happy birthday.  I'm just getting home from work - around 6, there was this company-organized get-together at a local place.  Very entertaining, got to meet some new people, all cool, very eager, drank some beer (a number of pints of Guinness), just hung out.  It was very good in most ways - slightly, what, Office Space, I guess - but I was with the top people in the company, not just carping with the other plebians.  The company has a surfeit of hot well-fed smart wealthy spoiled girls, Asian, Jewish, very attractive.  It's a good job, I should work harder.

Things, are, eh, here.  I still feel slightly as if I'm in suspended animation.  Ah, one thing:  THE RED SOX ARE IN THE FUCKING PLAYOFFS!  Read that again.  THE...RED...SOX...ARE...IN...THE...FUCKING...PLAYOFFS!!!!  4 long years, and we're back, baby, we're fucking back.  Very exciting.  I think I will have developed a saucer-sized ulcer by the time the first playoff game comes round on Tuesday.

I can see that I'll feel good, better, soon, but I haven't felt that way, yet.  Ah, me.  Fuck it.


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