Happy Birthday Preacherman

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Happy 22nd Birthday to Preacherman. May you identify many more asians in the years to come.

In everyone's bio I have a spot where I (Pappy) can add a note. I have yet to do that to anyone, and I think I should.. I am not going to now, so maybe in a few days or something.

Preacherman is my roommate if you have forgotton. This is the forth semester he has been my roommate, and the last. At the end of last semester, I was at wits end... but its funny how a little break can erase things in my mind.

Preacherman is a senior CS major... he has a job lined up already (meaning he accepted the offer, etc). This means he is doing his senior slide now... totally slacking off. He is one LAZY motherfucker.

The sad mofo even plays less counter-strike! I mean.. how lazy is that! So he bitches about being bored and buys books about being in the trenches in vietnam and stuff (on the American side..). I find that sort of amusing since he is Asian... even if he is chinese and not real charlie. I guess the chinese hate all other races (including the white man).. I learned that in history class this semester. So, if you hate everybody, how do you take sides?

The japanese have this thing where they are proud of their heritage... hy does China not? When you see a person from Japan they often have a phatty japanese character in the back of their honda. The chinese wont do quite that.. they will just put a big giant decal that says "Acura" in the back window of their acura.

I'm only complaining because Preacherman doesn't really take any interest in his own heritage.. which would be great for the curiosity of others plus it would probably mean he could help me learn the stuff for history class.

Well, I'm off to bed.. early. I have to be up at 8am to go to the doctor's. My next memory lane installment will have to wait.

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