Happy Birthday hunch!

In category:Journal
Post by:Pappy

It's been a while since I have posted.. I even had to reset my password because I couldn't remember it.

Happy Birthday, hunch. Hope you had a good one.

I am watching CNN right now, and they're talking about the jobs being lost to India. Tech jobs mostly, but some financial positions (analysts, etc). It's not exactly news, but it's sort of funny to watch people fight it. I am not saying you shouldn't fight it, you have to get your piece of the pie, or whatever.. but it really is futile to try to stop job exporting short of being at war with a country. Corporations have a great ability of transcending government. They can exist under multiple governments. During a war, this becomes a conspiracy or something.. I have heard the term, but even when these relationships are illegal, such as during WWII, these companies continue to exist in one form or another. Okay, I lost myself.. enough rambling

Well, it's bed time I guess. I need to start posting more. I was home sick today, it doesn't feel like the flu I had in January at all.. I am coughing, my body aches, but I only had a little nausea and a slight fever. I expect to be fine tomorrow.. I usually get sick bad once a year and every other time lasts

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