Half Patron Silver, Half Patron Gold

In category:Drugs
Post by:Stone

That's a strange definition of medical benefits. How many drugs actually cure anything? AIDS drugs have medical benefits, right?

Marijuana is not harmless - I disagree with you there. There are a lot of people who are psychologically addicted to it, and who use it to help them avoid problems they might otherwise tackle if they didn't have a drug as a crutch. Caffeine is certainly less harmless than Marijuana, even if caffeine is physically addictive in a way that marijuana isn't. Caffeine doesn't cause severe trauma to you when you try to quit, either. Maybe a headache or something. I could quit caffeine any time I want. I don't because I like it, but I could quit it if I could. Not saying that I'm going to.

Ron Paul is a racist nutjob. You could vote for Bob Barr, he's a libertarian.


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