Half and half

In category:Politics
Post by:LioConvoy

See, I'm reading all of this election time goodness... and muckraking and bellyaching... and it all turns my stomach.  This whole thing makes me sick to be an American.  Now... To paraphrase Chris Rock, Anyone who classifies themselves as just a liberal, or just a conservative or just a liberal is a fucking moron.  I've got some shit I'm liberal on, and some shit I'm conservative on.  Abortion?  A-ok.  Execution?  Hang 'em high.  Gay marriage?  Who gives a flying crap, it doesn't effect me.  If they want the right to be legally bound into loveless husks of relationships, god bless 'em.  The only issue I care about is the economy and the job market.  Basically, my political views are whatever is in my best interest... look out for number one.

So, who did I vote for in the end?  No one.  That's right, the year I decide that I'm going to make a political statement... that I will let my voice as an American be heard... I get these two fuckin' jokers to choose from!  Now, neither candidate encompassed all the political views that were quasi-important to me.  Guess that's because I have my own opinions and don't slap a political lable on myself.  Now, my primary concern... the economy, Bush was handed a nose diving economy in the closing days of the Clinton administration, and only made it worse through mismanagement and sending jobs to foreign country while college graduates were forced to get jobs at McDonalds.  But on the otherhand we have Kerry... This man's a millionaire!  He's gotta have some good ideas on how to turn this bungle job into gold!  What's that?  He made his fortune by marriages to rich women?  Fuck.  Well, Well, I have my choice between a moron and a pimp.

But it's more than just the fact that the candidates were unfit... it's just that both of their campaigns were so distasteful.  See, failing either of the canditates meeting my needs, I was going to vote on who I thought was the most stand up guy, and I'd be able to see that through whoever led the cleanest campaign... but they were both dirty!  Mud flying on both sides... The issues were so obscured by all this bullshit, it was to confusing for the common man to know who stood for what.  Disgraceful

To the Bush camp... Well, you won so there ain't much I can say but Mazeltov, I hope you manage to turn around what you have fucked up, and while your at it, stop trying to co-opt America's fear of Terrorism to settle personal grudges.  To the Kerry camp, cool out.  You lost, by a slim margin, but you still lost.  Go home, lick your wounds and try to manipulate matters to your own ends for the next election, for that's what all this seems to be in the end.  And don't act like it's the end of the world, an administration only lasts 4 years.  People worried about bush banning abortion... That's what they've said about every republican to run since Roe v. Wade.  They said that about G dubs on the last election and he didn't pull it off.  A draft?  Hate to break it to you people, but this ain't 'Nam.  Granted we are still sending troops over, but not in big enough numbers to reinstate the draft.  And there's no way in hell that this conflict could get that big.  Saphire's post is the first I've ever heard of Emergency Powers being granted... But does anyone actually fear this as a possibility?  C'mon, This isn't Attack of the Clones, and he isn't Palpatine.  So long as there are Democrats out there with an axe to grind, that won't happen.  I don't believe Georgie is an evil man... at worst he's a man who's too incompetant to hold the position he's in.  Nice....

"God bless America, but she stole the 'b' from bless."

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