Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair....

In category:Drugs
Post by:Peps

I saw the play "Hair" last night. You know what? Its kind of a shitty play. There is no real plot to it. There is sort of a hinted a plotline, but it really doesn't come to the forefront of the play, they just have it there within a bunch of wacky hippie crap. Maybe that meant as a commentary on hippidom or something like that. I've never been all that great at analysing this sort of thing. I have a problem with literature in that sense. You never really know what the author was trying to say, but I hate when people insist that they do know exaclty. Anyway, its not that great of a play. Maybe its just the hippie thing itself. I don't really like the hippie movement. It just seems very stupid to me. It seems to include the ideals of opposing war, smoking drugs, and getting laid. I mean there was some commentary in the play about hippies not accomplishing anything, but I think a lot of it was satirical. (WARNING: the next portion of this paragraph may be largely boring, so if you become board while reading this secetion, please feel free to skip ahead to the last sentance of this paragraph) That was the impression that I got from this production anyway. The whole anti-establishment thing seems pretty dumb in many ways to me because it just focuses on the bad of the system and dogmatically opposes the whole. I think the fact that I had just been discussing Imanuel Kant's "Perpetual Peace" had something to do with it. I took up the issue in reading the work that Kant does not seem to support any concrete notion of an administration that would enforce peace, which is a problem. These hippies are just undermining that necessity in their free-sex, hemp-smoking ways of life. Fucking hippies.

Anyway. "Hair," if you've chosen to read this far, which most probably have not, kinda sucks. It just furthers my contempt for hippiedom. Hippies, as portrayed by this play at least, seem mostly to be self-serving fools that oppose war and support fraternity among all people, yet make no actual endeavors to better the world, but rather choose to get high and fuck.

In conclusion, I would like to note something that Pappy said a few days ago in one of his posts: that he likes monkeys. I like them too.




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