HAHAHAH... Oh Sweet Karmic Retribution....

In category:Sex
Post by:LioConvoy

Heheheheh... oh my... I guess it is true, what goes around comes around. Such is the case with my recent pursuit, Melanie... I will no longer dignify her by referring to her by her real name, So I'll call her SoulSucker. Well, The day before break, I got all bent out of shape because she was talking about this guy she really wanted to fuck, right in front of me. This pissed me off and sent me into a slow, dark rage.

Then I came home, spent some time with my brothers, and with a chick who doesn't seem so intent on ripping out my soul... and everything was all good, as long as I always have home to come back to. I also realized that, in the immortal words of Wils0r, SoulSucker "...isn't that pretty, and not that special either."

Then I bumped into SoulSucker outside of a building here at school. It turns out that the guy she wanted to fuck had a girlfriend, and just wanted to be friends with her... heheheheheheheheheh... I couldn't help but let a little chuckle out. Then she told me she had a nightmare about me and thinks it's because she hasn't spent enough time with me. So we made plans to get together later that night. Instead of keeping them I decided to take a nap.

I guess the problem with having feelings asa intense for SoulSucker as I did, is that you can't keep that level of intensity up. Either the feelings burn out and turn into apathy, or turn into a psychosis. Lucky for me they burnt out...

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