Grumble.. geh... gah.. eck

In category:Technology
Post by:Pappy

Two things..

First, I hate being called wilson's 'counterpart' or 'other half', etc. Sure, we spent a hell of a lot of time around eachother between 1996 and 1998.. but we arent always around eachother. Hell, I saw wilson for a collective 10 minutes outside of class today.

Another thing.. I want to shoot myself in the face.. er, well.. I sorta did that already.. but.. I mean.. eck. I didnt have a good day. I fucked shit up, and spent hours fixing it.

Er.. I guess I have more than three things.

I repaired my pants.. the really really ripped shorts. I borrowed needle&thread from one of the girls on the floor. I had to repair a button on my pants (the weird thing is, teh pants arent too small for me).

But, while I was repairing my pants, I was installing Linux. I ended up trying Redhat 7.0, Redhat Rawhide 1.0, Mandrake 7.2, Mandrake Cooker. I had the cooker on there before, but I fucked up KDE.. and figured it was a little too unstable.

Well.. RH7 doesnt have KDE2! Gah. So, I decided to put MDK7.2 on, but I couldnt get it working.. and it ended up being a cluster-fuck (thanks for the term caniprokis) because no Mandrake servers were working.

I am now running RedHat 7.0 with KDE2 installed afterwards.. I have font issues though.. but I'll live.

Like any of you care about htat.. but hey, fuck you.

Yet another evening WASTED. I needed to be doing WORK. I sat on my ass sewing and playing guitar.

My hair is getting longer now.. by xmas break it will be in my mouth. I had never seen the back of my head, so I video taped me doing a slow 360 on foot. It was interesting to see behind me. I didnt realize my hair was as wavy as it is.

I think I'm in it for the long haul this time.. I want to grow it out. Its in the weird shitty stage right now, and i have several weeks of it. I may get it cut prior to my trips coming up.

Speaking of which.. I may as well let you know. I will not be ranting between December 26-Jan 1, or between Jan 8 and Jan 20. I will be in Florida with caniprokis between Dec 26 and Jan 1.. and I will be in Europe with wilson between Jan 8 and Jan 20.

Caniprokis and I are going to beat up Brare Fox (sp?) at Disney.

Wilson and I are going to hire a one eyed, one legged whore in Amsterdam. Our primary destination is Belgium, but we'll swing by the Netherlands, Germany, and France while we're out there.

Um.. otherwise.. school is hte primary thing going on. Classes are ending.. so lots of work to do prior to next week when they actually do end. I am not doing as well as I'd like in my algorithms class, but everything else is peachy.. I dont expect the fat inuit to be much of a problem.

Anyway.. tot siens.

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