
In category:Life
Post by:Stone

I'm in Los Angeles, now. I don't feel as if I've actually moved here, yet. I don't know when I will feel that way - maybe when I have my own room.

This job is terrific. Good experience, interesting, exciting, I'm going to have the chance to do a lot of different things.I couldn't sleep much last night, so, this evening, I ignored my better judgment and decided to take a nap, around 5:30. I woke up at about 10, 10:30pm, which kind of sucks, since I don't really feel tired, now, at least not tired enough to go to sleep.

I got a cheap car Friday night, a 1984Volkswagen Rabbit GTI, an insane black little German box of a car. I like Suzy Kolbert, that woman on Sportscenter, odd woman. It's a manual, which has caused me surprisingly little frustration, so far.I've managed to drive a few places without much trouble, although I feel as if I'm beating the fuck out of thee car - that it's going to implode any minute now. All of the driving I did today was done on my own, which I like. I had to stop at hills a couple of times today. After stalling a few times, I was able to get up the hill, but only through a pretty significant amount of tire screeching - that's a lot more fun than stalling, though, and it's good to be able to startle nearby pedestrians. I don't know if I exactly like the car yet, though. Guess we'll see what happens, I don't know if I'll enjoy the car in Los Angeles traffic. I bought the GTI as a placeholder, basically, a cheap way to teach myself how to drive manual and to get to work (for the time being). Pappy got a couple of pictures of me standing next to the car - one or two of them are strictly for the ladies, so you women out there can look forward to that.

Wine and liquor is a lot cheaper out here. I'd like it if it was a bit cooler. I really like the people around here, everyone seems surprisingly nice and friendly. Hmm, maybeI am getting tired. Alright.


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