Going Forward

In category:Insult
Post by:Calliander

As the about post mentions, this site used to have multiple users and we "ranted" about all kinds of crap – from our school progress in the early 2000's to jobs/relationships/politics/whatnot in the late 2000's and early 2010's.

I was probably the most prolific author on the original site. Then, the old owner passed away in 2018 without a handoff plan for all his domains and sites. I got the domain back, rebuilt the site, made a Twitter account for it, everything. But it was a) too much to manage and b) none of the other users were interested in returning.

Now, my focus will be on really embracing the domain name. Insults: TV shows, politicians, you name it – I'll attempt to skewer it. That said, as the United States take their final steps into fully embracing fascism and authoritarianism, I'm sure I'll post more anti-government things.

Enjoy. Or don't. I can't tell you what to do with your life.

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