God damn rock pale

In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

Damnit. I didn't mean to rant like that.. I wanted to add my two cents on the weight debate.

No one should be harassed for their personal tastes in a partner.

With that said, let me harass Calliander a bit.

If you are consciously limiting yourself based on weight, then you probably have other problems you need to address first. But, often it is not a conscious thing. If you have a mental height/weight ratio and you try to calculate that for each girl you see, then you are being a bit rediculous.

I am only saying that because sometimes I get the feeling that Calliander wants only a starving eastern european waif. Then again, is that so bad? There is no shortage of under-weight women. Some guys are turned on buy over-weight women, so why not have the same for the opposite. Some guys get off on feeding normal women and getting them fat (See Gear magazine for an article). Perhaps some guys get off on starving a chick. I dunno.. its all a little nutty to me.

Now, when you look at those pictures posted.. its like comparing apples and oranges. People look very different without clothes on. If you like them with clothes on, the odds are high that when the clothes come off you'll be excited and it wont matter if she has an extra foot of labia.. or maybe not.

You dont have to be fat to have sagging rolls. Some people have loose skin no matter what they do (unless they have it removed surgically).

What it always comes down to tho is that you can like what you like.. and hopefully you do what you want with another consenting adult. If you like a particular thing, you can find a single women with that feature you want. The world is a big place. If you want a midget with one leg, then you might have difficulties, but if you are looking for a tight bodied blonde, she's out there.

Personally, Iam more attracted to thin, toned bodies. I am fascinated by breasts, but breast size in a girl really does not matter to me.. sometimes I think I'm alone in that, but I really don't care if the girl is an A or a D. The only time the A is not good is if the girl is really uncomfortable with her chest size (which is oh.. 99% of the time).

I also like tall girls. Another thing that I am feeling alone on because most of my friends have expressed otherwise. I don't think I'd like a girl taller than me tho. Luckily I am tall enough that it is very rare to see a girl taller than me.

I really don't think its shallow to not like the three hundred pounder who cant take her eyes off your ass. First of all, its unnerving to be seen as meat by someone so much bigger than yourself.. plus, I think that that much weight is a good indicator of a personality trait that a lot of folks dont want. It is sort of a funny mental image tho.. to see Flyingtim walking down the mall with this huge girl waddling and panting beside him. (not saying thats what his date was like that time, but picture it anyway).

Everyone is shallow anyway.

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