In category:Sports
Post by:FlyingTim

I've had it with all this ant-Yankee rhetoric bullshit.  You bad mouth a team when they suck, right? So they win and play well and do well, and you still bad mouth them.  You people who harbor such hatred for the Yankees must lead the most miserable lives.  I can understand rooting against the Yankees, I can understand not liking them for one reason or another, but I just don't get why you all hate them so much.

People unjustly slander the Yankees because "They buy all their talent."  Or even, "They the best players from other teams."  This is ludicrous...the Yankees have so much home-grown talent on their team that they would be nothing without.  Let me drop a few names and you tell me if they sound familiar.  Bernie Williams, Derek Jeter, Alfonso Soriano, Andy Pettitte, Jorge Posada, Juan Rivera...these are all players that came up through the minor leagues in the Yankees farm system and were not purchased from another team.  However, there are a few players that were purchased from other teams and became who they are today because of the Yankees, such as Paul O'Neill, David Wells, Scott Brosius and Mariano Rivera, to name just a few.  The Yankees have one of the best coaching staffs in baseball right now, and it's not because of the amount of money they paid for them.  You put all this together, and you combine an owner like George Steinbrenner who isn't afraid to spend money on real talent, and you get a winning team.  It's true that in the past Steinbrenner has made mistakes, but you can't fault the guy for wanting to win.

In closing, I'd like you all to shut the fuck up with all this Yankee hating.  I want them to get to the World Series.  I want them to win the World Series.  Do you know why?  Because I'm a Yankee fan, and that's what I do.  I root for my team to beat other teams.  It doesn't matter that they're won it a lot before, and that some of you whiners think that "Its someone else's turn" to win the series.  That's a bunch of bullshit.  You root for your team even though it's doing shitty, so why when it's doing well would you give up on it and say that it's someone else's turn?  You wouldn't.  So go fuck yourselves, and Go Yanks.

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