give me something to break!!!!!

In category:Misc
Post by:arcee

OK. i realize that im just a freshman and im not used to what all you "finals veterans" have weathered, but i cant take much more. its not really the studying itself getting to me, its living with eighty overstressed bitchy girls.

my stress release is to go to punk shows, and although few share the same sentiments as i do on punk music, i dont really give a shit because it works for me. this evening, i went to buy a ticket to an upcoming show, looking especially forward to it bcause of the stressful time in which it lands.

one particular cunt rag that believes she is the center of attention and has particularly pissed me off lately, invited herself along. this not only made me angry but upset because when a bitch to enters my "sanctum of anti-bitchiness" it is threatening.

Also, I think because im a freshman im not used to this no-privacy-thing-ever-thing. feeling trapped, stressed, and claustrophobic, is definately not comforting in the slightest.

I hope that slut sucks one too many of the wrong cocks and gets a venereal disease!!!!!!!!!

Stone- i feel for your Swahili thing. i cant even write a 10 page paper in english, nevermind a language like swahili! oh and to all- i apologize for the length but, then again, i dont really give a fuck!!!!!

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