"Give me somethin to belive in"

In category:Journal
Post by:Caniprokis

have you ever thought about what it would be like to have not met a person in your life? really i have thought about this. just pick one person to whom you are farely close, now think about what it would be like if you never met them, maybe better maybe worse maybe not any different, but it can be that there is no change think about how much a part of each of us the other is. i mean really, the people who you know are basically an extention of your personality, your friends are the type of person you are.

I remember when i first started to hang out with all these crazy kids, i was trying to change myself. i went over to lios house one day after school, i was invited by peps to come hang out, i really got to know him on a jazz trip to boston where we roomed, and when we got back he told me about lio and calliander and everyone and i came over on a friday night to play some game, turned out to be AD&D, i fell in love with the game that day but thats wasent the best part of that day. that day i met the people who i now consider my closest and most wonderful friends.

i remember lio and i dident really hit it off right away we had alot of conflict because we both have that im in charge personality, but we got through it and hes like a brother to me, calliander, stone, peps, and spo were all there that night, i slept over cus weplayed untill like 4 i remember that terrible blue couch where i "slept" that night i ended up in the shower stall because blood was so damn loud it was the only place i couldent hear him. it was a great time and a great place to me, i had never befor had friends that made me feel so safe and welcome. at that time i was hanging out with alot of fucking meat head asshole kids lots of drugs and fights and just stupid bullshit, i had to have this attitude with them, i had to be this tough guy, i was big and always expected to be the ojne who never backed down, i was the token big kid in the group so kids would start with somebody smaller in the group and i would have to step up even if it was for shit i would have beat the kid over cus thats what you do in those friends heads, you fight when they run there mouth into trouble, but there wasent any trouble here, it was just hanging out talking about fun stuff like video games, and role playing games,(it took me a while to really learnthe rules), and what girls we were into and not into, for the firsttime in my life i was being accepted for who i was not what i was or what i could do. in about three to four months i had gotton almost completly out of the other kids i was hanging with, im still not completly out cus i still talk with some of those kids, but the next summer those kids all took that turn where you start being bold and gettin arested for stupid shit, and i was out, i had friends that werent into just getting high and stealing shit and doing random vandalism. i was lucky and im thankful everyday that i was given the opertunity to know all of you, and let you all know me.

well im out ill explain everyone else later.

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