In category:Life
Post by:LioConvoy

FAAAHHK!!! SHIT FUCK MOTHER FUCKER COCK SUCKER SHIT IN A HAT!!! FUCK! GRAAAAAAGH!!! Ok, Lio, keep your head together... focus thoughts into a legible post, and not a string of obscenities. Alright so, I'm talking to Arcee today about how our favorite artist, Tori Amos, is touring this summer, and that we should get tickets. I'm just about to write that It's going to be sad to go to a Tori concert without my traditional Tori concert companion, Bleaker. Just as I'm about to post that statement, my call waiting boots me off the web. Great one of my idiot roommates' vacuous friends was calling to discuss booze.

Surprise, surprise, the call is for me. It's my mother... she's calling because Bleaker is getting married, and my family was invited. Now... for those of you who weren't reading during my epic retrospecticus posts, Bleaker is one of my oldest friends. We were never involved, and I never had a crush on her, but I'm infuriated that out of all the losers she's picked, she never picked me. Always been a blow to my ego. Anyway, this guy she's marrying... ugh...

I don't want to be judgmental but... fuck it! This guy is a LOSER!!! DIRTY FILTHY HIPPIE SCUM DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Sorry... I Hulked out there for a second. But this guy is a scum fuck. Ok, maybe he isn't that bad, He's just stands against everything I stand for. I'm a hard core capitalist who couldn't give a fuck about others. He's a hippie shit bag who lives in a commune, feeds the homeless on his weekends, and sells hippie jewelery! Ya know, maybe my hatred for him stems from our first encounter. I was sitting at home one saturday afternoon, blaring MP3's and into the filth hole walks this bizzarre looking hippie. I say "Hi" he goes "Hi, I'm [HippieScumFuck]". We stood there for a good 30 seconds just staring at each other. Then Bleaker came running down the stairs. She introduced us and I was like "ok". Then on the way to an art fair, Spo was also with me, he can back me up on this... on the way to the art fair, he launched into this lengthy diatribe about how he was pissed off that he couldn't smoke A BONG IN THE MIDDLE OF A PUBLIC PARK IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!!!! geh... hippie scum. Then he proceeds to spark up a bowl in the car. Now this was when i wasn't smoking, and didn't know what it could do to me, so I asked him to not do that in fear of a contact high. He's like "No, i'll just blow it out the window." He was pretty much blowing it directly in my face... Fuck up. Geh... I guess the real reason I dislike this guy so much is that he is so opposite from me that it feels like a slap in the face to me that bleaker is marrying him, while never having given me a glance... Fuck it all..

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