Get yo drink on!

In category:Drunk
Post by:Pappy

It's been another year. Also a reminder that it's Stone's birthday tomorrow.

> I was walking down the road, and you know what?  I forgot to wear my
> shower tongit!
> You see, when I woke up this morning I realized I had brushed my teeth
> the next day... but that was AFTER I had a shower.  They should make them
> better.
> I know Al's going to disagree, but he's a fucking dirty person with not
> a tooth except when he's naked.
> 187 187

By the way, for those of you in the cheap seats at the back.. that little countdown up top is not what I am talking about as being the big "redesign". That countdown is a countdown to new years, as well as to the launch of the new design.. which will occur go up on the 1st as well. Lick a fat one.

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