Get on your knees

In category:Sex
Post by:Levres

"Get on your knees. I want to fuck you hard." I like those words. Does that make me a bad person? I certainly don't think so. If it does, it's going to be a happy trip to hell for this little girl. Catholicism can go straight to helltoo. You know what, it's premarital sex and I love it. Can't get enough of it. I've been fucked 3 times since 9:30 tonight and it's been so good. I love that my roommate goes home every weekend (Thursday afternoon to Monday morning). I love that I'm now on birth control and have no worries. I love that Wilson is so good in bed and knows just what to do. I love that I can get on my knees and get it from behind. If you don't like that, you can fa fa fuck off. You're just jealous. Maybe you want it from behind too and you're not getting it. Sorry, I feel for you man, really I do. Maybe you'd like to be ramming your hardness into some tight little girl kneeling in front of you. It's oh so good, better than stonies eating dough fingers from Dominos with that delicious white sauce.

In other news, danz0r may be living with us afterall. Pappy and Wilson are pretty shitty at the art of persuasion. I talked to danz0r a little tonight and maybe it will be possible after all. I think it would be mad phat. I love Wilson and Pappy and danz0r and I'd love to live with them all. One girl, three guys, what could be better than that? That's perfect!

Wilson, my mad sexy incrdible boyfriend is passed out, exhausted, in my bed. In a few hours I'll get to go to bed with him and I couldn't be happier about that. He's an amazing guy, I love him more than I thought possible. He's sweet and he's caring and sometimes he gives me my way even when it conflicts with his -- not always though and that's kind of nice too. He's a great guy, a fantastic friend, and an incredible lover. What more can a girl ask for? I've got NO complaints about Wilson.

Drama queen. Do I portray myself like that? I certainly hope not. I don't consider myself a drama queen and I certainly don't strive to be one. What drama was it that made Wilson leave stats? I wanted to jump his bones and he said he'd let me. That's what it was. Hey, if you were in class and your girlfriend came and asked "baby please come with me, I want you in my mouth, and I want you to fuck me hard," what would you do? Dude, you can get the notes you missed, go fuck your girlfriend for the love of all that is right in the world. Have sex, enjoy your cock while you can still get it up, use it so that you'll never forget how. Seriously, about the drama queen thing, I'm not one. If you think I am, open your eyes darling. I'm not. Bickering? Yes, Wilson and I are two strong willed people, neither of which are used to losing an argument. Consequently neither of us are used to really listening to and considering too deeply the other side. We're working on it. Plus we only like to fight when Pappy is around. I can't get enough of him rolling his eyes at me. I'm a crazy bitch, lacking all reason and accountability! Hot damn!

I like to have sex. I don't like drama. I like the idea of living with three men, three sexy men at that. I love my life right now. Stress is low, enjoyment is high. Be young, have fun. Consider yourselves lucky to be alive right now. I love you all!

1212 Out.

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