General Musings

In category:Politics
Post by:LioConvoy

As many of you know, I have always been ardently anti political in the past.  In my opinion individual votes didn't matter, so whether or not I voted had no effect.  And even if it did, It was just to see who maintains the status quo for four years.  Well, what a four years this has been.  Look at America four years ago, and look at it now.  We've been the target of terrorist attacks, our economy is in the toilet, and we just hemmoraged money to finance a war in which no WMD's were found.  Hell, I would have settled for them just saying "Ok, we're just gonna go in there, blow shit up, and take their oil."  BUT THEY JUST BLEW SHIT UP AND DIDN'T EVEN SEIZE ANY OIL PROFITS!!!

My theory that individual votes don't count was shot down last election.  And if the America we have now is going to be the status quo, I'm thinking of applying for Canadian citizenship, I mean at least that way I won't have to shell out a weeks pay every month in health insurance just so I can lead a normal life.  So, I will be voting.  Maybe.  If topics are right.  Namely jobs.  My question to the more politically inclined of our posters is which candidate is camapaigning on the employment bandwagon?  Please say it ain't Bush, because if it is... I don't believe him.  Look what he's done so far.

This is really an important issue for me as I am tired of being a 24 year old deli man with an $80,000 degree.  Hell, at least if I were just a 24 year old deli man, I wouldn't be 20 grand in debt.  Every week I look in the papers and go "Fuck, well maybe next week..."  That has been my Sunday for the past 2 years.  Between companies out sourcing their white collar and tech jobs to fucking india, and their blue collar jobs to mexico, where the fuck are Americans supposed to work?

On a lighter note, Pappy passed on a rather hysterical bit of text to me last night...  Now, I knew, even back in high school that the class of '98 were a bunch of loser assholes, pappy gave me more proof last night.  He showed me the invitation to our 5 year reunion, to be held July 31st 2004.  Now, I was not a math major, in fact I damn near failed Business Calculas, but I do know that it's been SIX years since we graduated.  SIX!  A-holes.  And where is this classy shindig taking place?  Some elks club...  Hot dogs and burgers will be supplied, but it's BYOB.  Now do the ass clowns putting this dog and pony show honestly expect you guys to fly 3000 miles for Beanie Wienies and BYOB?  And me?  Well, I haven't made enough of my life yet to laugh at everyone in attendance, so, I'll have to wait for the 10 year.  See ya there... maybe they might have Pasta Salad and Budweiser by then!

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