General Musings...

In category:Misc
Post by:LioConvoy

I think it was Confucius, or maybe Lao Tzu (one of those great Asian philosophers) that said "May you live in interesting times."  After several months of stagnation still waters are starting to ripple.  Things are getting interesting again.  I finally hooked up with a job which is good. It's in financial planning, which is somewhat far afield from what I studied in school, but I desperately need a challenge.  I have a thorough belief that I am capable of pulling off anything I set my mind do, and at this time, I don't have anything to concentrate on.  Still no luck on the lady front, but on the bright side that means no chance of getting my heart broken.

On a sadder note, this evening I suffered the loss of my brown overcoat.  I spilled grease from chinese food all over it.  After six years and a tour of duty that involved protecting me from the harsh Pennsylvania winters, time has come for me to lay the coat to rest.  Vaya con Dios good coat...

Something more serious has been bothering me recently though.  A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend a few months back.  Now, she has always been somewhat prone to depression, and she has been on a slow steady downward spiral since we met.  But since she broke up with her boyfriend it's been real bad.  In the past few days it's gotten so bad I fear for her.  It's gone past simple over dramaticizing a matter and into the realm where I think something might be seriously wrong with her.  I mean what do I say?  For all the drama I've had and started with various women in my time, I have never once believed that one of them actually loved me, and then had that love taken from me.  It's not like I can say that I sympathize because I can't.  It's not like I can say it will be ok, because I don't know that it will.  The closest I can compare this to is the epic that was Kim [DemonQueen]... and we never had a good relationship, maybe 2 weeks out of 3 years were actually healthy, well not healthy but passable.  I don't know what to do.  If I tell here she's better off without this homo, she gets mad at me.  If I tell her she'll get over it she doesn't believe me.  I tell her she has worth as a desirable person, she tells me I'm biased.  I honestly don't know what to do.  All I want to do is to make her feel better, and there's nothing I can do to facilitate that.  It's just slightly frustrating.

Well, I think that's every thing going on in my life right now.  At least the boredom has lifted from my life and I finally have a glimmer of hope on the horizon... which is great thing.

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