Geh. I don't post enough

In category:Life
Post by:Pappy

Happy (belated) Birthday Lio!

So much to do, so little time. After a nice break from usual work in Alaska, I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. Things have been extraordinarily hectic at the office.. we're moving the servers yet again. Insult is going to be moved this week as well.. I may install a few upgrades along with the move, we'll see. I did complete a bunch of upgrades, so perhaps it is time to enable them, even if the rest of the system is not complete. Fuck, it's been over a year since I wrote these changes.

Anyway, I went shopping today for clothes. I hadn't planned on going today, but it was today or not this month. There is this burger and beer joint there that had no beer except the usual domestics (I'll group corona in that category too), yet advertised microbrew beer. I love microbrew beer. Their taps weren't ready for use either. I think the waiter was just bad. The food was good tho.. slow service unfortunately. After that I replaced my sandels (sp) (finally). Bought some shorts/tshirts. It's all I ever really want to wear I think. Well, I do like sweaters.. always perfectly warm.

Anyway, I'll probably write more this week since I have no books to read (left the book I was half way into in Alaska).

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