
In category:Misc
Post by:Pappy

WARNING: This isn't in the christmas spirit. If you're Jewish or bored, read on. Hindus, Muslims, Jehovas, etc.. do what you want.

Blame me for what you want. I threw less of your food out of the window than you did. I hid the remote, which you found. The sunglasses I won't take the blame for, but I can't change how you feel.

The thing was, you did start it. Leaving you and Wilson in the parking lot of a movie theatre is something I would do again.. and again.. and again. I wanted to run you over on my way out. It was the only way I could say/yell that I didn't like the way you were treating me.

Calling me old in the beginning wasn't such a mean thing. I have many characteristics of a 75 year old man. I have a really bad memory. I have extremely poor hearing. I am almost arthritic. I complain about things. I also have that business thing. Being called Pappy doesn't bother me in the least. I feel it's affectionate. No one hates their Pappy.. but everyone hates old people, INCLUDING ME.

See.. it started out with Peps calling me "Als" (for alzheimers).. or was it Spo. Whoever it was, that didn't bother me until I started getting paranoid. I started realizing I have seventy-some-odd percent of the symptoms of alzheimers. That isn't comforting. But, I said it was bothering me, and it stopped.

The 'old' thing started lightly. I would say random shit, no one would follow.. someone would simply say 'Um.. you're old, Pappy.'. It was infrequent. When it became more frequent and said with a mean tone, I hated it. Then being called Carl (a name I hate) was even worse.

I have never done anything mean without reason. Inconveniencing FlyingTim by hiding his remote I felt was harmless but it messed with him mentally because he thought he put it somewhere and it wasnt there. Then it was just a pain because he had to get up to change the cd track or whatever.

It does no good to point negative traits out of someone all the time. That is called being an asshole. For instance.. a guy with a big head.. if it bothers you that he has a big head.. then fine.. but you dont refer to him as "Mr Big Head" all the time. Or if the guy has a tiny penis.. you dont point that out all of the time unless you don't like them.

FlyingTim and Wilson were supposed to be friends. So, pointing out that I am old (which is a fairly obvious thing) all the time is not good. That night at the movie theatre, I really thought that I would never hang out with either of them again. I felt used and unloved.

It's true that you never really know who your friends are until you need them. I guess things will show themselves when that time comes..

This isn't hte rant I wanted to be doing on Christmas. Nor do I want to start some flame war.. this is all just how I felt. There is no defending actions because it is how I felt.. PAST TENSE.

Happy Christmas everybody. I may not be ranting again until 2001. Caniprokis and I are off to Florida tonight. Yay!

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